electrical gloves are used to protect workers against electrical shock
while working around energized systems.
Electrician gloves shall be made from good quality Natural or Synthetic
rubber or from a mixture of these, in conjunction with suitable compounding
ingredients. Electrician gloves may be dipped using the coagulant
technique or using the heat sensitive method.
Production of Electrical Gloves by the Coagulant Process
This is the most generally used process in production of Electrician
gloves. Gloves thickness must comply with standard specifications
for various rates voltages. The required thickness can be achieved
by a single dip or by multidip process.
- Reception and preparation of latex compound
- Heating of formers (40 to 50°C)
- Coagulant dipping (50% calcium nitrate solution in alcohol/water
- Dry at 70°C
- Dwell in latex compound (about 4-6 minutes, depending on the thickness)
- Set gel (Room temperature)
- Coagulant dipping
- Dry at 70°C
- Second latex compound dwell (about 3-5 minutes, depending on the
- Set gel at 70°C
- Leach in water
- Vulcanisation in air ovens
- Dry, strip and then leach in cold water for at leat 24 hours
- Electrical testing of glove according to specification
Production of Electrical Gloves by the Heat Sensitive
- Reception and preparation of latex compound
- Heating of formers (by immersion in a warm water bath at 50-70°C)
- Formers are allowed to dry in temperature controlled oven
- Dipping of former in heat sensitive latex compound. Precise
control of the former temperature, the temperature of the latex
batch and time of immersion is essential.
- Leach in cold water for 10-15 minutes
- Vulcanisation in air ovens
- After drying and stripping the gloves must be further leached
in water for at least 24 hours. The best way to remove all the
non-rubber materials and so achieve high electrical resistance
is to tumble the gloves in water which is replenished several
times during leaching
- Chlorinated and dried
- Electrical testing of glove according to specification